Since the days of the Red Cross Quilts in the Second World War, the quilting community has gathered to help those in need. As makers, our emotions are often expressed through making things, and through the things we make. When we are sad, or scared, or anxious, our crafting helps us get through difficult times, and makers around the world have been coming together in recent weeks to think of ways they can use their creative skills to help provide timely, practical support to those desperately in need in Ukraine and surrounding countries.
Many crafters have been creating blocks or patterns to share, requesting donations to charity in return as a way to convert their creativity into practical help. Jenna has created a "Sunflower for Ukraine" hand embroidery pattern, and it is available below for you to download and use.
All that we ask is that in return for downloading the pattern, you make a contribution to an organization providing support those affected by the conflict in Ukraine. We give some suggestions below; how much and to whom you donate is up to you. We know that many of you want to do something practical to help. The humanitarian support the victims desperately need is most quickly and effectively coordinated and delivered by those on the ground in the areas affected, and together we can make a real difference by donating to those charities and organizations.
At Exeter Sewing we stand in support and solidarity with the people of Ukraine and all those who are supporting them, including those protesting in Russia, often at great personal risk.

We ask that if you download this PDF, you make a contribution of your choosing to one of the following charities, in support of the efforts for the victims of the conflict in Ukraine

The DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) combines the forces of 15 UK charities, including the British Red Cross, Save The Children and ActionAid. DEC charities and their local partners are in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries are providing food, water, shelter and medical assistance. The UK Government will match public donations to thE DEC appeal pound-for-pound up to £25 million.
Unicef is working to help children and their families by delivering clean water, food, health supplies and safe spaces.
OutRight Action International - 100% of donations to OutRight’s Ukraine Fund go directly to local LGBTIQ partners in Ukraine and neighbouring countries supporting this community during this crisis. Contributions help provide emergency assistance to LGBTIQ people who need safe shelter, food, competent medical care, transportation for those who are fleeing, and other types of humanitarian support.
The Pack has a page of links to several charities and organizations helping animals in Ukraine, including refugee animals leaving with their owners, as well as animals in shelters and sanctuaries, and wildlife within Ukraine.